Thursday, November 15, 2007

What if ...

What if ...

You realize that outfit you thought made you hot, really sucks?
The love of your life has left the building and you did nothing to stop him?
Chocolate is a health food?
The one thing you have been searching for, was never within reach?
Ice cream has anti-aging properties?
There is no God?
Butterflies are reincarnated love ones?
PETA dropped off the face of the earth?
Money really does buy happiness?
You have to pick between doing the right thing and losing your best friend?
President Bush is an evil troll in disguise?
They opted for truthful concerned conversation instead of silent snubbing?
Everyone has a twin?
Purple and Yellow polka dots are your colors?
Bill Gates takes over the world and we are all forced to use Microsoft shit?
Your iPod blows up?
Ghosts do exist?
Pepsi wins the cola wars?
You can go home again?
Sex is the only road to true enlightenment?
The freedom for full expression of your personality was the norm?
Rum is the elixir of the gods?
A peaceful, nurturing planet is light years away?
My fucked up noisy neighbors became decent, quiet, thoughtful people?
I had a chance to meet each and everyone of you?
The love of my vida and I lived happily ever after and no one rejoiced?
Everyone took a turn helping someone less fortunate?
There was an end to world hunger/Aids/genocide?
Happiness was easily achieved?

What if?


Anonymous said...

Go PETA. And take the evil troll with you.

Unknown said...

what if i'm actually ok...just the way I am?

Susan said...

I shall answer your questions:

1. I would burn said outfit and dance naked around the fire.
2. If he was truly the love of my life I'd never let him leave without going after him.
3. My ass would be huge(er)
4. I keep on reaching because I don't really believe in nevers.
5. See #3
6. We'd find something else to believe in. Possibly mankind
7. In the spring I'd never feel alone
8. Fur would be fabulous again
9. I'd never be happy. Unless there's a dollar store brand happiness.
10. If they were truly my best friend they'd understand me doing the right thing and I wouldn't lose them.
11. soooo much would be explained...and we could feed him goats to keep him happy
12. A lot of unspoken words would become free to do their bidding
13. The world would implode. It's really only big enough for one of me.
14. I'd rock 'em out
15. I'd have to give up on technology
16. I'd scream
17. Maybe I wouldn't feel like I'm losing it when I swear I see something out of the corner of my eye
18. No more cola for me
19. I am home
20. YES. OMGOMGYESYESYES. I shall walk the path of enlightenment!
21. Boy wouldn't I be fightin' a lot
22. My head would hurt all the time
23. I wouldn't live to see it. sadly
24. You'd be happier
25. The less fortunate would become fewer and farther between
26. Miss America contestants would have no idea what to wish for
27. It is. We just make it complicated

Now, what if you actually read all that and I numbered them right...

EsLocura said...

fringes, I'm with ya.

wng, fabulous what if ...

Susan, my sweet, you are my hero.

lyre said...

then I'll never reach enlightenment again...sigh

EsLocura said...

lyre, never say never! who knows a friends with benefits may come along : )

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