Thursday, November 01, 2007


Today is day one of NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month). Everyday for the whole month of November, including holidays, I'm suppose to "blog". As this day was getting closer, I was starting to ponder, why?. Why did I think I could blog everyday for a month? Who talked me into this? What the fuck was I thinking? Why? Why? Why? Here's what I came up with:
  • The really cool prizes enticed me.
  • I was suffering a momentary lapse in logic.
  • I sometimes succumb to peer pressure even if that peer pressure is coming from people I never actually met. (but have sent fruit to)
  • Blogging everyday is something I always wanted to do but never seem to make time for, now I will be "forced" to.
  • I have a whole lot of "stuff" to write about and this is my excuse.
  • I'm just learning to type with all 10 fingers and I don't want to let that skill slip.
  • I have too much time on my hands after 12 hours of working the farm and running errands all day.
  • I look forward to the challenge and am secretly excited about it.
So my little huckleberries, stop in everyday and see what tales or jumbled words have escaped my brain pan and found their way to the Asylum walls.


Susan said...

I'm so excited! Sure, I may have pressured you slightly but I mean...really cool prizes! Who can turn down really cool prizes?!

Unknown said...

I am sooooo jealous of all you guys! I don't have a comp at home (gasp...shudder) so I can't blog on Sundays or I'd be in. I'm really looking forward to this next month of watching you guys (suffer) blog each day :)

NoRegrets said...

OK, I've joined too, but a secret member. shhhh.. And turned off word verification just for you Es. ACK! And I see you have it... now I'll grumble to you.

fringes said...

Good luck! How exciting...

Amadeo said...

I'm just amped about the name.. NaBloPoMo.

I will now see if I can fit this in sentences.

EsLocura said...

Susan, cool prizes, that's why I am here, hope you are ready for my all my crying when I don't win anything!

Wng, you know what they say "misery loves company".

Nor, thanks for letting me in on the secret, thanks for the verification thing, was mine as long as your's? (why does that make me laugh?)

Fringes, hahaha, I found you at the new place! lucky me.

Amadeo, let me know what you come up with. But stay away from "I'll show you my Nablopomo, if you show me your's".

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