Monday, November 19, 2007


I just got this lovely award from Hearts. This is what she says about me:

"Eslocura at Eslocura's Asylum would wear baby doll pajamas in wine silk with matching ashtray for that ubiquitous cigar."

Now you have to admit that's pretty funny. Heart is like that, very funny. (when she isn't on her death bed, and frankly, even then she cracks me up).
So lets talk about pajamas, shall we? I don't wear pajamas to bed, I'm a sleep naked kinda girl. But I love pajamas. I wear them around the house, out on the farm, while cooking, reading, listening to music, showering, (OK not when I am showering, just checking to see if you were paying attention.) I have had meetings in my pajamas and many deep philosophical conversations. I also have been known to use pajamas as a lead in for other "extra curricular activity". (wink wink nudge nudge, know what I mean) I wear boxer shorts and t shirts, silky sexy pj's, I have even worn flannel pajamas with feet. I do wear baby doll pajamas and yes, of course I have ashtrays to match. Duh, where else would I flick that ubiquitous ash? (ubiquitous, say it with me ... ubiquitous, it's a groovy word).

Did you know that pajamas were introduced in England as lounging attire in the 17th century, making the scene around the 1880's in the western world as sleeping attire for men and the word pajama was originally spelled pyjama? (You can thank me later for that little bit of trivia.)

Thank you "Heart" for the award, I do appreciate it, you are the "cat's pyjamas".


Anonymous said...

I'm guessing that's not you, but at least it's a picture of somebody (practically) naked.

EsLocura said...

geronimo, no, it isn't me, but it could be. You've out done yourself with your name creativity.

Susan said...

I love pajamas for lounging and cleaning. I feel the restrict me when I'm sleeping, though, so that's normally a no for me too.

"ubiquitous"..definately rolls off the tongue.

EsLocura said...

Susan, yes, pajamas are a treat for doing stuff except sleeping.

123Valerie said...

I think you're the cat's pajamas, Es L.

I always wear bottoms but never a top--I'm sure that's a HUGE surprise.

EsLocura said...

uno, dos, tres, I'm not really sure that's a "huge" surprise... love the new picture.

heather said...

i'm a t-shirt and underwear kinda gal myself. pj's always seem like a luxery to me. there's always something more important on the list.

NoRegrets said...

Nice post! As I sit here in my frumpiest 'pj's', which sometimes I love being frumpy.

EsLocura said...

heather, a lot can be said about t shirts and undies ... all good as far as I'm concerned.

Nore, frumpy always has it's place in my world.

fringes said...

Gift me with pajamas and you have a lover in me for life.

EsLocura said...

fringes, I am storing that info, in case I need it someday.

Tera said...

I just usually can't do pajamas! I have to be next to naked if not all the way there!

EsLocura said...

tera, why am I not surprised? : )

Tera said...

Tee hee hee! I didn't think anyone would be!

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