Friday, August 10, 2007

Asylum tour


Nina said...

So, do you ever have to go to the market to buy fruit or can you just go outside and get what you need? How beautiful!!!!! Can I come for a visit :)

EsLocura said...

Nina, no, I never buy fruit, we also grow cherries, oranges, tangerines, lemons, mangos, avocados just to name a few. yes come visit, I'll be mailing out a blogger "visit" calendar.

Tera said...

Eslocura...this is pure beautiousness!!! Oooh ooh...Nina I'll come with!

I might have to rethink my offer to wait on've got everything I need!

EsLocura said...

tera, I swear you are the next mango recipient, of course you have to wait for next June, when the season is back.

Amadeo said...

When I see live chickens and think about catching, killing, plucking and cleaning...I'd rather have some fruit. But I'd go with the chickens over a goat anyday.

Dagromm said...

Are you royalty? The Queen of Puerto Rico?

EsLocura said...

amadeo, I have yet to eat any of the chicken that live here, I think it's because they all have names, but fresh eggs are pretty groovy.

EsLocura said...

dagromm, yes, I am the Queen of Puerto Rico but please don't tell anyone, it's our little secret.

Kofi said...

I like. A lot.

Susan said...

I'm in total envy right now. Lovely house. Lovely fruit. Lovely view. It's all great. Who'd have thought I'd meet the Queen of Puerto Rico through blogs?

EsLocura said...

Kofi, gracias, muchas gracias.

Susan, life is strange and mysterious that way.

heartinsanfrancisco said...

Oh, how beautiful!! What part of the island do you live in? I have only been to Old San Juan, which was charming, but you are the Queen of Paradise for sure.

I practically live on fruit. I can't imagine a better place to be, and your pics are wonderful, too.

EsLocura said...

I live in Aguas Buenas, south of San Juan in the central mountain range. Population a little over 30,000. It's very mountainous, very lush and very beautiful. Completely different then the urban jungle of my past.)

Nate said...

I'm moving in. I hope there are fresh sheets in the guest room.

EsLocura said...

Gyuss, no, but we'll worry about that when you get here. are you any good with a machete? (welcome to the Asylum.)

heather said...

oh this is so beautiful! while i am jealous a little i would miss the hardwoods and snow from the northeast. i may not have been born here but upstate ny is my home now. it looks like a lovely place to visit for a month or so though. good for you! you obviously took care of business and worked for what you wanted.

btw, chickens are horrible, stupid and mean creatures. well, at least the roosters are. cheeks and i have both been attacked by them! me when i was about six and cheeks when she was three. my father in law used to own about 20 chickens and one of the roosters used to attack cheeks every time she went to play in her sandbox. it got so bad that i told him to either get rid of the rooster or he'd never see cheeks again! poor kid, she now shares my dislike/fear of chickens.

Anonymous said...

To think I was just there 2 months--not only do I feel privileged to have enjoyed your home but also honored that you gave up your bedroom but also made us breakfast.
What more can we ask for? I am already homesick and wish I was there drinking some medalla beer.

Nate said...

Eslocura, I take the 5th on that one. Some certain legal issues from my past require me to deny all knowledge of any machete related issues.

heather said...

oh good grief gyuss, we all know that the reason you keep a beard is because of your uhnfortunate experience when you tried to prove your manhood by shaving whith a machete. stop trying to play it off like you were doing some kind of ninja/spy/superhero thing.

come to think of it you ~do~ have that kick-ass passionate skydiving thing going on so...maybe there's something to this machete rumor after all.....


heather said...

sorry about that. i think i was channeling cyber for a minute there. hmm, weird.

i should probably start watching dr who so i know just what he might potentialy be up to.


EsLocura said...

Heather, chickens and roosters are evil, unless of course we are talking BBQ. I miss a ton of things about the East Coast, but not winter and keeping the house locked up for most of the year.

Spunky, I'd give up my room for you anytime, our time together is always way too short, I'm keeping the Medalla cold until your return.

Gyuss, I don't agree with Heather, I am clinging to the whole superhero/ninja/spy thing. plus am doing a whole background check before you move in.

Heather, you crack me up.

Lex said...

Wow! How beautiful!! May I suggest a software package called Meeting Wizard. We bloggers can enter our scheduled vacations and it will simply save you hours of planning for our visits.

My week will be the first after hurricane season ends.

EsLocura said...

Lex, thanks for trying to make my life easier, I have just been penciling everyone in.

LIT said...

These pictures remind me of my best vacation ever. It was 21 yrs. ago to Singapore and Malasia. The coffee bean trees, coconut palms, pineapple trees (they're so surprisingly short)---that whole rain forest experience---and the closeness of it. It's rather like your closet room, I think. It's as if everything one needs is within reach.

A philosophical moment, please: Just as different parts of the physical world are so similar, so people are too. We share the same hopeful dreams, the same fearful nightmares, laugh at many of the same things, and shed tears for the same reasons. Why then do we let belief systems, political power, and greed corrupt our thinking and behavior?

EsLocura said...

Lit, how true and at times sad that we are not more united as humans. Malaysia and Singapore are two places I dream of visiting at some point in the future. Welcome to the Asylum and thanks for stopping in.

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