It's been a while
I have been missing for a long, long while from the world of blogging as well as the world at large. Why? well it's a long story, long and convoluted so let me give it to you in bullets :
- I was kidnapped by a chupacabra and only recently managed to escape.
- I have been in such a foul mood that I could only write negative, vile things and frankly even I tired of my "pity parties".
- Petulance (not to be confused with flatulence)
- My writing muse took an extended vacation, leaving me high and dry.
- I've been too busy.
- Grief and overwhelming sadness
- health issues, relationship issues, friendship issues, lot's of fucking issues.
- I ran away and married
Angelina JolieRaul JuliaBenicio Del Toro and being hissex slavewife leaves no time for blogging. - Soul searching.
- I had eight babies, and have been avoiding the media circus that surrounds such a blessed event.
- I just needed a break because of my mental break.
- Due to my chronic insomnia have been hallucinating too much to write something clever.
- Am so freaking tired, sick and tired.
- Grief ... did I mention grief?
- been training for a triathlon (can't even type that with a straight face.)
- Been traveling the world using my powers for good and not evil.
- No time to write, a Nuyorican (aka a Puerto Rican) is headed to the supreme court.
- Procrastination, putting off till mañana what I could have written about today.
- sad, lonely, miserable, too many headaches.
- No internet connection in my padded cell.
I am glad you are back : )
Held in a cave by a crazy West Virginian.
Bridesmaid then divorce lawyer in Las Vegas for same said West Virginian.
Stuck in a mango avalanche.
Hiding out so West Virginian would put your face on a milk carton because that's always been a life long dream.
It is great to hear from you, nonetheless.
caspar, muchas gracias
Susan, damn, you know me so well.
Kofi, you are always sweet.
YEA! YEA! YEA! Three cheers for Eslocura. So glad you're still among the living painful though it may be. We've missed you so.
Obviously, you're blogger friends have been consistently looking in on you. Does that count for anything?
"No man is an island.
No man stands alone.
Each man's joy is joy to me;
Each man's grief is my own."
John Donne
Glad you're coming through your new birth, and I wish you well in your new life.
Don't isolate! m'kay? We miss you, and we are here to love on you! :-)
Big hug!
Too busy reading all your blogs on the blog roll to write your own post.
Too busy feeding the insatiable turtles.
Too busy in the bathroom after eating your way out of the mango avalanche.
Big hugs from land of pond scum. ;-)
so glad you've returned!!!
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