Friday, January 21, 2011

Tired but a champion

I have been so tired for the last couple weeks. I am not sure why. It could be that I get up at 4 AM every day. It could be that I have been putting in 12 hour days. It could be that I have aged another year. It could be that my cat seems to find it amusing to jump into bed with me and bring along a toy, insisting it's time to play regardless of the ungodly hour. Perhaps it's the insomnia kicking my ass, maybe it's a vitamin deficiency but whatever the reason I am going to


Kofi said...

Sounds good to me!

Jose said...

Is there any other way Locura? I've been tired too so if your system works pass it along to me. :)

Tera said...

Damn it I am so about to put that on my coffee mug, a t-shirt and my apron! Love it!

EsLocura said...

Kofi, hace mucho tiempo que no te veo, como estas? que haces? nice to "see" ya.

Jose, consider it passed on, it doesn't help you feel less tired but it makes for a good attitude. : )

Tera, I know, right. somehow I knew you could relate.

NoRegrets said...

Now I'll be hearing the theme to Rocky all night...
Hang in there!

Susan said...

I hope it passes. It's hard to be a champion when you're tired.

Anonymous said...

I log in just to see how you're doing!!!

I always said you were THE CHAMP!

Vitamin B shots are in order.

Love, Cas

EsLocura said...

Nor, don't ya just hate it when that happens? I've had "home" by Edward sharp and the magnetic zero's stuck in my head for a week, it is making me loca.

Susan, a tired champ is still a champ, just a slightly less effective one : )

Car, besos have missed you, glad to know where I can find you again.

heartinsanfrancisco said...

Stuff catches up with us, sooner or later. Try to honor yourself and what your body is telling you instead of trying so hard to champion on. (I know, easier said than done.) Take care of YOU!

Anonymous said...

Hey! Where's my comment? I was here the other day and I'm positive that I said something extremely insightful and hilariously funny.


christina said...

just stopping in to thank you, for your kind words, when i needed them most.
ps: love this pink message. ; )

EsLocura said...

Hearts, yeah yeah, you are always filled with wisdom, keeping you and flip in my thoughts, I would say prayers but well I don't pray : )

Jali, Ha! your extremely insightful and hilariously funny comment must have been deleted by the blog gods, damn them.

Christina, I was so worried, am thrilled you are well. stay well !

NoRegrets said...

Do you need any workers on your farm? Not getting work in CA and might need a change of venue! (99% kidding.)

Anonymous said...

thanks for stopping by Nene!!!!

Get tested for Celiac Disease.
It affects the intestines and can pop up at any time in our lives. My niece recently was diagnosed with diabetes AND celiac so I am following her diet because it is genetic...I have to tell you, once I eliminated gluten products from my diet (grains, breads, etc) I feel like a million bucks. I've been going to the gym and fighting evil like NOBODY's BUSINESS!!!! Vitamin B shots will work wonders as well.

So, read up on Celiac...and change your diet for two weeks. Let me know how you feel afterwards.

Love, Hugs and Besos for infinity,

NoRegrets said...

So, how about a post twice a year? If you agree, you are late...

rental mobil jakarta said...

Very nice, thanks for sharing.

USA Property Investment said...

Nice story!

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