Monday, June 04, 2007


I read a lot of blogs. I try and hit all my favorites at least once a day. (I will be adding my favorites links in the near future, so you too can feel the bliss). Reading blogs is addictive. Some blogs are lifelines that keep me from extended stays in a padded cell here at the asylum. The common thread of late is sharing past experiences, confessions, reasons for blogging and the roles we play. Do all these things connect in our everyday lives or just in the blogosphere? Why do I blog? What do I share? After about 50 posts, is this what I expected? How much do I expose myself? Is there a blog me, and a "real world" me? Do the two ever meet up at the Embassy Suites for happy hour?

Blogging started out as a creative outlet to escape from my woes. It has turned into a creative outlet that inspires me, despite my woes. The blogosphere is my personal therapist, advisor and all around friend. The friend who listens and acts interested, even when I have nothing of importance to say. Sometimes it's cathartic to write about the evil ways of the universe, to recall childhood events, and to rant about things that offend me. Sometimes it's just crazy fun.

My topics all bare some aspect of me. Some with embellishment, other's not. I swear a lot, (as I do in the "real world") never worrying about the fact that friends and relatives read this blog and may find "fuck" offensive. I work at not letting "who" might be reading, change what I might be writing. It would defeat the whole "freedom to be me" thing. It's my blog, it's all about me. Read me and love me, I always say. (OK, I never say that but I do hope it's what you do.)

Are we one person at work, another at home, and yet another in the blogoshpere? Is that what we are suppose to do? You can't just show up to work naked or can you? Different roles, same person? We all have many roles to play but the essence of who we truly are permeates all of them. Here on this written page, it's my essence. My ups and downs, my world, my rant about life.

I never worry about what I might expose. (I enjoying being naked). I blog for the freedom to be me. For the freedom to write what I want, how I want, when I want. The roles I may have to play the rest of the time in the "real world" have only been enhanced by the "locura" that gets to completely reveal herself at the asylum ... always on her own terms.


Tera said...

Es, I LOVE this post (and the body art!)!!! This is so true, you know I just started blogging a short while back, and I have now realized that it gives me the freedom to break free from a world of ubiquitous business/analytical thinking! I think I have made a new circle of friends that I absolutely adore and thoroughly enjoy...It has truly aroused my creative side/right brain that has been dead for so long!

And now I must show my gratitude:

For Fringe for exposing me to strength on a whole new level

For Mist for pushing me to be a bit more creative and humorous in my thinking

For Heather for keeping it so real

For Nina for giving us a chance to enjoy our friendship outside "real life"

For Susan for her help with exhibiting more emotion

For Nance for my mental note to check my spelling

For the Quad (all of you) for the gut laughs and good imagination has been at its peak!


For you Es...for a taste of flavor and pure culture (and for not yelling at me for taking up your entire comment block ;)!!!!!

EsLocura said...

Tera, I'm not going to yell but I think you owe me some cash! I'm glad you're a part of the asylum. (thanks for the compliments.)

Tera said...

The check is in the mail ;)

EsLocura said...

tera, I've heard that before.

jali said...

Wish I had written this. I really do.

My page is like me, but better I think, sometimes. I don't edit my written words the way I do my spoken words. I feel that I'm pretty straightforward, but I still hold back a bit - I'm not very confrontational - I rant on my blog instead.

Nina said...

Wow! Great post!

I hope I'm the same person when I blog as I am if we could ever have a conversation face to face or on the phone. I know that I strive to be upfront, open and honest about my thoughts at all times.

And I appreciate the feedback that I receive from people I don't personally know. It allows me see different and new perspectives.

Tera, it is a nice variable to our friendship, huh?

EsLocura said...

Jali, ranting is one of my favorite things to do. I enjoy my visits to your "house" because of the rants.

EsLocura said...

Nina, feedback is one of the fun parts, I thank you for your's. (and for stopping in at the asylum)

Tera said...

Es, okay, it's not?

Okay Nina, first, EXCELLENT point...I LOVE the feedback! Oh, and let me rephrase that..."For Nina for giving us a chance to enjoy our friendship outside 'real life' AS WELL :)"

EsLocura said...

tera, you crack me up so we are even again, post away.

heather said...

over at the bar it's all about me. how ~i~ feel about something. how ~i~ want to do things. i don't have to be mom, mrs or miss, can you help me?. just me. the rest is all part of me too but the bar is me uncensored. somewhat. i still find that i refrain from intentionaly offending anyone. (not with the swearing though. fuck that! skip over it if you don't like it.) but that's how i am in otherland too.
i have always had a role to play that others have depended on. at the bar ~i~ choose the role i play. you guys can either play along or move along. that is your choice. and there is where the freedom comes from. the freedom to allow myself to become ~my~ self. to learn more about who i am.

terrific post es, and great pics. are any of them yours? (i'm still trying to figure out where to put mine.)

and tera, thanks doll. ;-)

heather said...

ok, you don't have to post this one but your comment moderation always freaks me out! especialy after typing a longwinded response when i'm dead on my feet!
damn! that's just not nice!

EsLocura said...

Heather,the bar is groovy, it's one of my escapes. the pics are mine,each is a portion of a large "in progress" piece on my back. as for the moderation, it freaks me out too, keep thinking of turning it off but then I get distracted and forget. maybe I'll do it after my shower, or dinner or something ..soon, yeah soon.

fringes said...

Eslocura, what a wonderful post. Thanks for sharing it.

Thanks, Tera, for those loverly words about my blog. That makes me feel yummy all on the inside.

EsLocura said...

Fringes, gracias, muchas gracias

Susan said...

Eslocura: I like to visit here because it's nice to know someone else is at times enjoying the silence the padded walls provide and other times crawling desperately at them searching for freedom. I, honestly, tend to be about the same person attitude wise all around. The bartender Susan is a little more flirty, the at home Susan is a little more quiet, the blog Susan says a little more of what she thinks.

And Tera: Look! I got your name right today! You make me smile. :)

EsLocura said...

Susan, feel free to enjoy the padded walls when you need to, nothing like sharing the silence.

Amadeo said...

I'm pretty much the same person all around...except in my dreams...but that's another story all together. Plust there's the person I'd be for Sade if she ever responds to my letters...but we don't need to go over that.

EsLocura said...

amadeo, sade isn't answering your letters either?

Anonymous said...

I wish I could be so free. Very inspiring, Es L.

I mostly blog for the MIRLs and random sex that follows.

Just kidding. I think.

EsLocura said...

uno, dos, tres, gracias and don't sell yourself short, random sex is freedom, I think, maybe, well sort of.

Dagromm said...

Nice post, I am addicted to checking out a lot of people's blogs on a regular basis. I read all of the comments and feel like I'm talking to old friends that I haven't seen in a long time.

EsLocura said...

dagromm, thank you, comments are the cream filling of blogs.

heartinsanfrancisco said...

I love your blog and its window into you. I love your honesty and humor and wisdom, but I'm happy that your cigar smoke can't transmit to me here, and I suspect that you're much prettier than that picture. :)

My blog will be one year old this week, and it has gone so fast. Who knew addiction could be so much fun?

You and other fellow bloggers have become as real to me as people I know in "real time," and my life is immeasurably enhanced by knowing all of you.

I am constantly amazed that I have found a world of wise and caring friends right at my fingertips.

EsLocura said...

hearts, you are so right about all these fellow bloggers. as for the cigar, it's just another one of my addictions, and yes I am much prettier than my picture, I have since dyed my hair and gotten a new hat.

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