Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Oh Brother!

My brother reminded me today that his birthday is coming up. (April 24th) He will be 16 years old. 16 going on 30 but that's just my opinion. He thought that I may want a list of things he would be interested in getting for his birthday. He wants to make shopping easier for me, yeah right. His big ticket item is a car, well, hum... talk to mom and dad about that because it isn't coming from me. The rest of his list consisted of clothes, shoes (specifically a pair of Adidas's he has his eye on and a pair of converse), an itunes gift card (but an itunes account would be even better) and of course the gift that always fits: cold hard cash.

Once we got the birthday thing out of the way, we got down to some serious conversation.

Bro: do you think it hurts to get your penis pierced?
Me: I don't have a penis but I am guessing it does, why?
Bro: I'm thinking a diamond might look cool but what about pain and infection?
Me: ewww an infected penis would be bad.
Bro: yeah plus I hate needles. Do you think it's true that girls have a g-spot?
me: why, are you looking for one?
Bro: (laughing) just wondering. Did you read about the guy whose muscles blew up because of steroids?
Me: nope, where did you read that? stay away from steroids btw.
Bro: I saw it in a video. I'm working on my abs and looking caliente!
Me: prove it, I wanna see.
Bro: I don't take my shirt off for just anyone, there has to be a reason.
Me: shut up.
Bro: are you going to buy me something expensive for my birthday?
Me: Yeah a book that tells you about g-spots, steroids and penis piercings.
Bro: can't you just buy me new sneakers?
Me: I love you
Bro: what's not to love.

Turning 16 could be interesting.


heartinsanfrancisco said...

I think I love your brother, too.

heartinsanfrancisco said...

Are you the pretty girl in the picture with Brother?

Anonymous said...

Awww...your brother's adorable. And so caring...looking for the g-spot at 16. God bless him.

Anonymous said...

How cool is it that he's having this conversation with you?

Susan said...

If your brother was about 8 years older I'd be stealing the company plane and coming down there. ;)

EsLocura said...

Hearts, yes indeed, "what's not to love", nope that isn't me, it's his cousin, he went as her date to a formal bash.

Lex, I wonder if he will be that caring as he gets older ...

Franki, muy muy cool.

Susan, I'd be greeting you at the airport with open arms.

Kofi said...

I love candid conversations like that. They're the best kind. I tend to have them at the wrong places (like at TGI Friday's where lots of families are around) but I still enjoy them.

Unknown said...

What's not to love, indeed. Guys crack me up, especially teenage guys. He reminds me of my nephew at that age so if you think 16 could be fun just you wait until he hits his 20s!

NoRegrets said...

Wow. Now I'm kinda sad I was younger than my brothers and thus didn't experience all that. Ok, well, maybe not?

Anonymous said...

What's not to love at 16-he's smart plus has a great smile and is already thinking of the g-spot-damn-good thing we are related and I have no daughters.

EsLocura said...

kofi, yeah sometimes candid can be a little scary.

wng, 20 scares me.

nor, I sometimes wonder what it would be like if the roles were reversed.

spunky, I think at 16 I was still playing with dolls.

heather said...

get him the book(s) and the converse but only show him the shoes. let him know he can have them as soon as he can tell you what the books are about and have a conversation about them with you. takes care of two birds with one stone. you get to teach him and torment him all at once. :-)

(for those of you who don't have younger siblings, those are two of the many jobs the eldest sibling has.)

Anonymous said...

The very best conversation! You've inspired me - I have a 16yo with the wisdom of teen and I have posts to write!

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