Sunday, October 07, 2007

Me, Me, Me Part 3

I got the following email from Dagromm: Hi Ms. Locura. I hope everything is going well for you. Below you will find your list of interview questions. It's not widely known that I spent a year traveling to the far reaches of the planet to meditate with the greatest spiritual masters of our time. I don't like to drop names, but Al Roker comes to mind. I have specifically put these questions together for you. If you contemplate on these questions long enough it should lead you to a greater understanding of the universe and spiritual enlightenment.

Yeah, well, Dagromm, whatever ... but since I am still on my quest for the interview crown, I am willing to risk spiritual enlightenment or Al Roker to win. So behold my answers:

1) The world is made up of "haves" and "have-nots", but even the "haves" don't have everything, or even half of some things. Please explain. Well, um, see it all started with the egg, I mean the chicken but then Bill Gates got involved and now he has everything thus becoming the "haves" which meant that the rest of us became the "have-nots". But since even the "haves" as you claim don't have everything, Bill Gates must be missing something, but damn if I know what it is. The end.

2) If you could slip out of your castle undetected for a few days to live as a commoner, how would you accomplish this and what in the world were you thinking? Are you kidding me? why the hell would I want to live as a commoner?

3) Colors are often used to represent emotions and also flavors. Which color best represents you? Peach (Tera says it's a color, go with me on this one) with a smattering of purple, aqua and black.

4) A tornado wrecks havoc on Puerto Rico and sweeps you off to an island with a dozen other stranded people. They all speak the same language, but not one that you speak. How long does it take for you to kill them? Duh, we have hurricanes not tornado's, you must be thinking of Texas. Go ask Q that question.

5) What would you warn someone about that wanted to visit Puerto Rico? Don't forget to bow and avoid eye contact with the queen and bring bug spray, Dengue fever is one the rise.

6) Why did you send Q mangoes? He's been a real snob about it. He keeps them on display so that he can show them to us when ever we're around. They haven't held up well since it's been over six months and he mounted them in the first week to a plaque that says "Bequeathed by the Queen of Puerto Rico". I sent them because I really like fringes and by default Q, or because it does my heart good to know how it torments the rest of you, or because it was cheaper then sending livestock (sorry Q, I would have sent that donkey if I could have found a box big enough) or because I am really getting into this whole "Queen" thing and I knew Q was weak enough to buy into the whole story line.

7) You are a very good writer that puts most of the blog community to shame. Besides myself who else do you find to be an exceptionally impressive blogger? I couldn't think of anyone else either. I am meditating on this one, will get back to you. ( while we wait, I'd say everyone whose blog I take the time to read.)

8) I am fascinated by the requests people make for a last meal when they face execution. What would your's be? Ripe fried platanos, bacon, rellenos de pana, empanadillas de pollo, vanilla flan, a pint of Ben and Jerry's "cherry Garcia", Loli's mangu and a six pack of Medalla light.

9) If you were to go back in time and write your own birth announcement, what would it say? EsLocura was born! (yeah not very creative but to the point)

10) When you were younger I'm sure you were told you were too young to do some things you wanted to do. At some point do you think you might be told you're too old to do something that you want to do? What will the activity be? The only time I expect to be too old to do something I want to do, is when I'm dead.

11) As royalty you have some significant influence. What is the one thing that you would like to make legal and what is the one thing that you would like to make illegal? I'd make marijuana legal and I'd out law stupid people breeding. And of course I would make "Dagromm day" a national holiday.

12) What personal possession have you held onto the longest and why? There are actually 2 things. I still have the paycheck stub from my very first job because it reminds me that I will always have the power to never be hungry again. I also still have every journal I ever wrote in, because it chronicles all the reasons for the human I continue to evolve into.

13) When was the last time you were embarrassed to ask for help or admit you did not know something? I am always quick to admit I don't know something, knowledge is power and I like learning. However asking for help is not something I do well. I have always been someone who would rather muddle through and figure it out then ask for help.

14) You are going out on the town and finally splurge on those skin tight leather pants you've always wanted. What top do you wear with it? none, I don't want anything distracting from the fine tight leather.

15) Gyuss likes to point out that 40 is the new 20. Q says that 15 is the new 18. Cyber D maintains that millionaires are the new middle class. I'm not sure if there's a question in there somewhere ... but ... a little help please? I hear gray is the new black, Met's are out and the Yankees are in (sort of, tonight they be be out), It's "Breast Cancer Awareness month", ladies make time to schedule your mammograms and don't forget self exams, men feel free to lend a caring hand.

Thank you all for playing. This concludes my interviews. Did you get to know me better? Did I win the interview crown? (I bet my crown will look great with those leather pants)


Dagromm said...

I said tornados because I was thinkning more along the lines of The Wizard of OZ. I think I could have subjugated the munchkins due to the fact that I'm so much taller than them.

EsLocura said...

OK then in that case, I'd say they would all be dead within a week. I'd spend that first week making sure not one of them was worth keeping alive. Then dead, all of them.

Susan said...

#3 amused me greatly.

I do believe this has given me all that I need to know to actively stalk you.

Wait, I mean, to know you better.

heartinsanfrancisco said...

Loved your answers to these delightful questions, especially #10. Age is no reason or excuse not to do something one wants to do, unless they simply won't let you. And then, there's always a loophole.

#12 is amazing, that you still have all your journals. Mine are all in my head, but not committed to paper,

I was also struck by the statement in #15 that millionaires are the new middle class. It hadn't occurred to me but it's a real mind blower.

Great job, guys, both the Q's and the A's.

Kofi said...

You two play off one another real well... ever consider taking on Vegas?

Dagromm said...

Kofi - Last time I went to Vegas I got married and, contrary to what you might have heard, not everything that happens in Vegas stays in Vegas as she's still with me today.

EsLocura said...

susan, thank you, am proud to be someone you might stalk.

hearts, gracias, it was a lot of fun.

kofi, am heading to vegas this week, wonder if they are hiring ...

dags, I didn't know you had a Vegas wedding, was Elvis there?

Tera said...

"I'd out law stupid people breeding."

Es, you sure you don't want to run for president???

EsLocura said...

tere, am way too busy to run for president, but if I did can I count on your vote?

Tera said...


jali said...

I want those leather pants! I don't care what the PETA nuts have to say. Oooh-Ohhh! You're the Queen - silence them please.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Al Roker is a sage. After all, he's got this weatherman job thingy, which is the only job I know that you can be wrong 95% of the time and still get paid.

Amadeo said...

Note to self: Become weatherman.

I wouldn't outlaw stupid people...I'd make a list for them like sex offenders and make it legal to slap them for showing their stupidity.

heather said...

i see dags still hasn't learned how to count.

and of course you won the crown! did you really have to ask?

great job you two. :-)

Jen said...

Re: your last meal, I think we may be food twins. I've never had Loli's mangu, probably because I don't know Loli, but I like mangu and I'm sure hers is delicious.

Anonymous said...

Cocoa and I both concureth deeply that you are one of our favorite people we've never met...we're convinced you were with us in another lifetime...rescuing stray animals and reeking havoc on all of humanity with our hysteria and twisted humor...solving crimes that were never committed and pointing the finger at innocent bystanders that weren't anywhere near the crime scene that didn't exist in the first place....

yes, you're one of us ....


Anonymous said...

I don't have a crown, but I have a cape I'll lend ya! ;)

Nina said...

Why does Dagromm always talk so much? Anyway...

can I have a GOOD recipe for fried plantains?

Dagromm said...

I apologize to everyone for Eslocura's absence. She has been pondering the questions that I laid before her and is nearing enlightenment. Being one with the universe has not left her much time to blog.

EsLocura said...

tera, gracias, I knew I could count on you.

Jali, oh yeah, I will be working on the PETA thing, damn those people annoy me.

franki, plus he wears nice suits.

amadeo, your list idea is good but then we would be spending way too much time slapping people because stupid people abound.

heather, thanks, will be adding your questions next.

Jen, loli's mangu is the absolutely best, next time you go to Queens NY, look her up.

Cas, am proud to belong to your tribe.

Franki, maybe I can wear the cape with the leather pants?

Nina, recipe on the way.

Dags, thank you for always taking care of stuff, I am much more enlightened and heading back to blogging soon, I found my enlightenment by way of Las Vegas, Utah, and Arizona, trip details to follow.

Anonymous said...

Oh, my beautiful Es L--such an inspiration. You're right--the only time we're too old to do something is when we're dead. Truer words were never spoken.

EsLocura said...

uno, dos, tres, you are too sweet, am so happy you are back. I missed you.

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