Wednesday, September 05, 2007

An old man and my Karma

I had an appointment yesterday at 8:30 A.M. in Rio Piedras. It's about a 45 minute drive from my house. I left early allowing enough time for commuter traffic delays, a cup of coffee and my obsessive need to be early. There were no traffic delays, I had an hour to park, have coffee and still make my appointment, getting there early, of course.

Parking is in a building garage, a good thing since in this heat, shade is always nice. The garage was full but there are no other parking options at this place and I had plenty of time, so I decided to just drive around the garage until a spot became available. 35 minutes later (now normally after 15 minutes, I would be swearing and screaming all sorts of evilness but since I am on a beauty kick, I was calm, secure in the knowledge that I had plenty of time.) I spotted a man exiting the elevator, I sped up, opened my window, asked if he was leaving ... "yes", he says, and motions for me to follow him. He was parked just a few spaces away from the elevator. What joy, how lucky am I, right near the elevator.

There is a long line of cars behind me, I proudly turn on my blinker, smugly letting everyone behind me know I got a spot. As I glance in my rear view mirror, I see a car (2 cars behind me) start to pull out of the pack. I think "man, is that guy impatient". He starts to pull up beside me and of course I think he is about to pass me because he can't wait for the one guy to pull out of the parking spot so I can pull in.

As the first guy pulls out of the parking spot, the car next to me pulls in. For a moment I viewed life in slow motion... he didn't just steal my parking spot, no, he couldn't have, yes, damn it, yes, he fucking just stole my spot! I honk my horn ( a lot), I open my window and try to get his attention ... nada ... he ignores me.

I get out of my car and walk right up to his car, now parked in "my" spot. There sits an old man, who I swear must have been 80 years old! He looks up at me and says "what do you want?". The following conversation ensues:

Me: you just stole my parking spot.
Old man: I didn't see you.
Me: I was right there next to you, the first car with the blinker on waiting for this spot.
Old man: but I'm old.
Me: yeah and your point is what? you stole my spot.
Old man: don't you respect your elders?
Me: with all due respect sir, you obviously showed little respect when you stole my spot.
Old man: but I'm old.
Me: I want my spot.
Old man: what do you want me to do?, I have an appointment.
Me: I have an appointment too, I drove around for 35 minutes waiting for a spot and you stole it, and I want it back, so I want you to leave so I can park.
Old man: I'm old and you are being a bully.
Me: you aren't so old that you didn't know you were stealing my spot.
Old man: I didn't see you, sometimes I don't notice things, I'm old.
Me: you shouldn't be driving if you don't notice things but that's a personal problem, now get out of my spot!.
Old man: Are you going to make an old man keep driving around and miss his appointment? That's just rude and disrespectful.
Me: Stop playing the "old man card". I understand you have things to do, but so do I, now get out of my parking space. I'll wait here all day if I have to.

With the saddest eyes this old man could muster, he reluctantly gives in. He pulls away, I drive into the parking spot, 10 minuets to get to my appointment.

The rest of the day, I am left pondering what effects todays event will have on my karma. Yes, my little huckleberries, today I bullied an old man with big sad eyes out of a parking spot. Now obviously, I feel bad (I'm still thinking about) but seriously, is old age an excuse for not doing the right thing? Should he get away with bad manners because of age? Should I learn to be more respectful of the elderly? Did I open the door to a ton of bad karma?


Susan said...

I don't know if you opened the door to bad karma but you definately made me giggle first thing in the morning..

EsLocura said...

Susan, what the hell are we doing awake already?

Tera said...

Eslocura, you. Are. The. Shit! LMAO!!!!!!!!!!! Don't worry about karma...the "old card" makes my ass hurt just as much as the "race card!" Fuck that! Regardless of you, there were other people in that line, so what made him exempt from having to look for a spot like everyone else? He was rude and down right disrespectful, and I am glad you stood your ground!

Furthermore, if he was so old and needed a good spot, he should either apply for a handicap sticker, and/have had his ass there before you!


Celebrate Woo-Woo said...

Regardless of age, he should not be exempt from using common sense and practicing good manners. I'm glad you made him leave, and I don't think you opened a door for bad karma since you also helped all the other people in cars behind you.

NoRegrets said...

Sounds like an old man who never grew up. Good for you for standing strong! How much hand waving was there with this?

Susan said...

See, es, this is why we should live closer. On those early mornings we could be drinking coffee and watchin' the sun come up.

Amadeo said...

He lost the right to use elder priviledge when he didn't act in a proper manner. Elders should be respected, but an elder who can't be respectful is one of the worst things there are. Then he tried to play on his age, without bearing the responsiblity of if.

AfKaP said...

I applaud you - I suppose you are right about the Karma - it wasn't a very compassionate action- but I still think it was the RIGHT thing to do. Somehow justice should be a part of the karmic circle.

jali said...

Unfortunately, for some, age doesn't bring wisdom, or kindness, or empathy.

I wish you'd played the "I'm a lady" card. A man should always defer to a lady. (smile)

You've done nothing wrong. He should have left home an hour early. He probably uses his age card all the time.

fringes said...

I agree with nore. That old man has been playing whatever card he's had since he was orphaned at 11 and had to live with his Aunt Lucy who beat him daily.

Nina said...

screw the old man. he was wrong and should be worring about his karma. good for you for holding your ground and getting that spot!!!

EsLocura said...

Tera, I'm thinking of wearing my supergirl cape next time.

woo, gracias for the affirmation.

noregrets, oh baby, there was so much hand waving I think I developed carpel tunnel.

susan, damn right, oh the fun we would have.

amadeo, I'm thinking of using Puerto Rican privilege next time.

artist, it should be, and am hoping my other good deeds out weigh the bad karma. (welcome to the asylum and thanks for stopping in)

jali, I forgot about the lady card, am using it along with my supergirl get up.

fringes, I have an aunt Lucy and she scares me.

nina, I don't think his karma will ever be the same.

heather said...

~if~ the situation had been reversed and he was the one waiting he ~still~ would have tried playing the 'but i'm old' card. he was trying to manipulate you into giving up something rightfully yours but by refusing to give in you forced him to do the right thing and taught him a lesson thereby adding a credit to your karma balance rather than a debit. anytime we can help increase our fellow humans knowledge base it's a credit. which means everytime i tell someone they're a useless jackass it's a credit. they may not have known and now that they do they can work on the issue.

trust me, i can turn just about anything into a karmic credit. so far i'm so far into the black i may just have to go slap a nun in order to keep from being perfect.

but then again, what if the slapped nun just needs to practice turning the other cheek???

Jen said...

I agree with the above, I can't imagine bad karma coming from this. In fact, it might be good karma because maybe next time he'll think better of it before he acts like a jerk and ruins other people's day. Besides, you know he's pulled this before and gotten away with it.

lyre said...

But I'm old! lol I gotta use that!

Kofi said...

In a word.... awesome.

EsLocura said...

heather, I think you are becoming my idol.

jen, that's one of the things that pissed me off, he knew what he was doing, but he has gotten his way before, and thought he would again.

lyre, you can't use it, you aren't old enough.

kofi, in several words... como siempre, gracias.

Anonymous said...

I like it! I don't know if I could have confronted the old man for fear it might have become ugly. But if he wanted that spot sooo bad then he could keep it all day, 4 flats take a while to fix!

EsLocura said...

gp, of all the days to forget my knife! damn it.

Unknown said...

I'm glad you stood up for yourself. I would have driven off fuming and then spent the rest of the day irrationally angry...or I might have keyed his car...THAT'S bad Karma. You were respectful, but you didn't take any crap from him. Plus, doesn't he know who you are- you could have said "But I'm famous!" (Well- blogger famous, but that counts!)

thailandchani said...

I don't think so. That was just rude! And his seeking sympathy was just plain tacky.

I can say it. I'm old, too. :)



EsLocura said...

wng, you are so right, I should have thrown the "famous status" at him. maybe an autograph would have made his day better. thanks for stopping in at the asylum.

Chani, lovely to "see" you here at the asylum, thank you. (btw you can't get away with that "old" line ...yet)

heartinsanfrancisco said...

NO!!!! You did nothing wrong. The sly old weasel knew exactly what he was doing and counted on the fact that you, a young person, would back down or more likely, not even challenge him at all.

Good for you for sticking to your guns. I'm just surprised that he moved. And if he really didn't see you, he should not be driving.

I give you a standing ovation, and if I had been there, I would have insisted on buying your coffee.

Lex said...

Nope. Being old may give you permission to say whatever the hell you want to say, like Granny telling me that I should keep exercising, but it's not license to be rude and WRONG.

Good for you!

Anonymous said...

How great would it have been if you said, "But I'm pregnant."?

Psst...this is Lee from Studio23. I had to move due to Advanced Drama. My first post explains it all. Hope you'll come visit.


Susan said...

So, it's been awhile. I thought my life was taking a downhill turn but then today, out of nowhere, things went in the total opposite direction. It's like, as you say, the universe was suddenly "Ok, that's enough for now. Take a break, sweet susan."

I could cry from happiness. That doesn't happen very often in my world.

heather said...

miss you. hope things are well your way.

heartinsanfrancisco said...

Eslocura, are you ok? Long time, no write.

I miss you.

Anonymous said...

The dirty old biyatch who lives next door to me (and leans out her kitchen window to get into all my business)signed for a summons for me in July. The summons should have been taped ot my door, but the process server knocked on the old bags door just to get a signature. She never gave me the summons. How did I find out about this? I printed my credit report and there was a default judgement against me for a credit card that was opened in my name due to identity theft. I had to run to the court house and do an order to show cause to restore the case back to the calendar. I returned to the courthouse to pick up the documents today, and got a $115 parking ticket because I supposedly parked in a no parking due to construction zone. So, this nasty old biyatch ....
1) jacked up my credit report and now I have to work triple time to get that item removed from my credit report.
2) caused me to get a $115 parking ticket
3) is only exacerbating a difficult situation with her WICKEDNESS

Now, normally I go OUT OF MY WAY for the elderly. But when they are rude, obnoxious and breaking the law, well, I treat them just like they treat me. Don't feel bad my dear, that old guy should have given the spot to you just because he is supposed to be a gentleMAN.
As for my neighbor, one would think since she has got to be in her seventies and can barely breathe she would be on her best behavior ... the light may go out tomorrow. Rather than turn her into the authorities for stealing my mail, I am going to let the good Lord Almighty deal with her trifling ass.

EsLocura said...

cas, makes you wonder whatever happened to sweet old people full of wisdom. I truly believe that you get back in life what you put forth, that old lady will get hers sooner or later.

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