Friday, July 04, 2008

Random Information Friday (aka RIF)

Things I haven't yet told you about:

  • We had a presidential primary here. Mr. and Mrs. Obama were here, as were the Clintons. I did not vote. What?! Why?! Because I am not allowed to vote in a presidential election. Our commonwealth status forbids it. So I can vote in a primary but not in the presidential election. WTF. Sorry, I'm an all or nothing kind of girl. That's just how I roll.
  • It's summer and we are already doing "hurricane prep". Checking lanterns, generators, cutting back any trees that can/may fall on the house, placing extra reading material and board games in easy to find locations, stocking up on candles, water. etc.
  • Speaking of summer time, I don't care how bad chancletas may be for my feet, I gotta have 'em. Perhaps when I'm old and lamenting my fallen arches, I'll think differently but not now.
  • I have been nursing a bad case of hives this week. They itch, they look yucky. I have tried all sorts of remedies, so far all I've manage to do is relieve some of the itch. Sucks really.
  • I'm not sleeping well and continue to vacillate between feeling OK emotionally and being depressed. I guess losing a loved one does that.
  • I need to buy new clothes. I hate everything I see. I'm not sure when flat chested, anorexic styles came into play but I am neither of those. woe is me.
  • This article cracks me up. I wonder how different the English speaking me and the Spanish speaking me are. Do we get along? If you met me, which personality would you like more?
  • I'm still having pigeon problems. We have about 20 baby chicks roaming the land, apparently the roosters have been very busy.
  • The neighbor's dog is no longer a problem but the neighbors are. They are loud, obnoxious, inconsiderate jerks. They need me to allow the town access to my property so a dead tree, behind their house (which could fall on their house during a storm) can be cut down. Yeah, I am going to do that ... NOT. Sorry, I am not going to play nice. Respect and kindness go a long. Perhaps you should try that and then maybe I'll reciprocate.
  • I live in the 2nd happiest place in the world. (according to this survey sent to me by the wonderful T). Denmark is numero uno.
  • Happy Birthday Papito Rei. Am thinking of you comadre Loli.


Anonymous said...

Oh, I agree with the article you are much more powerful in the Spanish language. AAAAYYYY Popi!!

Kofi said...

I sound a lot older and smarter than I really am when I speak Spanish. For many years I used to write much better in Spanish (language #2, mind) than in English, too.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you are still up and running. Hope you feel better (and less itchy) soon!

LIT said...

Asi es la vida! A little good, a little not so. Sounds like things are falling back in to the usual rhythm of . . . .

Unknown said...


Could you tell I'm excited? Ok - here's the big question which you makes better drinks? The Spanish or English speaking you - becaue that's the one I would like more, honestly.

I wondered about that voting thing - isn't the primary kind of a slap in the face? And why the H aren't you guys a state?

NoRegrets said...

Hi Es! Sorry you aren't sleeping well. I know how that is. Take time to relax in between all the semi-chaos.

Tera said...

Yeah, what WNG said!!!

And I miss your witty comments around P&P :-( I do hope you'll join us again soon!

Susan said...

I'd like to hang with either version of you but if you're speaking Spanish I'd just smile and nod a lot.

Amadeo said...

Is there a combined one? Like a spanglish personality? I could speak spanish when I was little (mexican babysitter). When we left Texas to come east I had no one to talk to and forgot most of it.

heather said...

ditto kiddo's comment ;)

EsLocura said...

WT, yeah truth be known I am a powerful latina in any language. (wink wink)

Kofi, I find I am having much more trouble switching back and forth between languages now that I live in PR

Franki, thank you muy mucho.

Lit, it's falling back into something, not sure what yet. (btw thanks for your very kind words)

Wng, rif is back because of you, and I think the spanish speaking me makes better drinks, as for the voting thing, sucks really and don't get me started on the whole statehood thing ...

Nor, hi back at ya. sending good thoughts your way also.

Tera, I'll be back ... please do your best Schwarzenegger impression as you read that.

Susan, I'd hang with you in any language.

amadeo, I can spanglish with the best of them.

heather, ditto my comment to kiddo. : )

Anonymous said...

You are so full of it! LOL
Unamimous CO LOL

Anonymous said...

That's why I love you!!

Unanimous CO...

NoRegrets said...

How's it hangin'?

Unknown said...

Just checking in to say that I still love you, kiddo! Still thinking good thought snad sending them your way!

Still trying to convince someone to steal a boat and sail down there with me...

heartinsanfrancisco said...

So sorry about your hives. I get them too, and they always last far longer than they are supposed to.

I have a neighbor like yours, as you know. I would also find it difficult to help her when she makes my home life a living hell.

The voting thing is weird. I think Puerto Rico is a Commonwealth but an unincorporated territory of the US, with limited powers under our Constitution. It's hair-splitting. And besides, you grew up in NY, so I don't get it.

Anonymous said...

onde tas?

Highlands Ranch Co

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

EsLocura said...

anon, gracias, am trying to keep the muse alive this year : )

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