Friday, December 08, 2006

Welcome to my world

It's been about a year since I started thinking about this blog. I wasn't sure what it would be about and I spent many sleepless nights pondering it's content. ( OK maybe it wasn't many sleepless night, but I did ponder) Well the sleepless nights and pondering are over, it's blog day. In preparing for this fateful day, I spent many days, months, years (OK maybe not years but I swear it has been months), checking out other peoples blogs. I am amazed and impressed with the diversity and talent of bloggers. Some are funny, and witty, some share their inner most thoughts, and emotions, some are social and political commentary. Many give the reader a glimpse into their personal lives. (frankly some of that stuff, mostly the ones about bodily functions, I just didn't need/nor want to know but I read them anyway). All this research in an attempt to find a place, a topic, some sort of muse for my blog.

All that said, here are my findings, This is my blog, I will share what I want, when I want, about whatever topic I want, I will NOT discuss my bodily functions ( although I can't say I will not discuss the bodily functions of others). I shall write without concern about the comments/critiques of others . (if you don't like what you read, go start your own blog) I will let my imagination and my crazy twisted views fall upon this pristine page as often as my life allows. So welcome to my asylum blog.

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